TomboyFashion is created by Rebecca Wezenbeek. After working in the executive secretary branch for many years and being an entrepreneur for the last ten years, writing songs and singing lead vocals in the band Ezzcape, she decided to start following her dream; fashion!
The first blog, the first ‘fashion letters’ on paper are here to get you acquainted with her and her style. Read her story below:
“Ever since I can remember I have been a tomboy. My mom gave me a doll and one of those little strollers on my 2nd or 3rd birthday. I took it outside, walked to the street corner and, like my mom told me later, it is probably still standing there. I loved climbing trees, bond fires with friends and riding my bike. I guess my tomboy genes have always been there, ever since I was little. This tomboy also showed up in how I dressed. I have always loved the tough sturdy women who dresses feminine combined with masculine clothes, expressing the best of both worlds. This is my style and what I will express in my blogs, magazines and web shops. I can never get enough of the new trends, upcoming fashion and the creative ideas which have sprung from the designers minds into our lives.
To live fashion is to l♥ve life.
I hope you enjoy my blog, magazine and webshop!”